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For my fellow writers…

September 14, 2011

A poem I wrote (can you relate?) while waiting for the magical housecleaning fairies to arrive (they never did). And an adorable puppy picture…another rescue puppy:) Have a great Wednesday!

A Good Day’s Work 

A quiet afternoon alone,

with so much to achieve                                                                                       

The housework calls, but once again,

my desk is my reprieve

My buried kitchen countertops

feel put-upon, abused

The hand-held vac and dishwasher

sit empty and confused

New mop and bucket by the sink,

resentful and pristine

The basket-loads of dirty clothes

that dream of suds, obscene

My fellow writers understand

why these things are neglected

A good day’s work, despite the mess…

my query is perfected!

From → This just in...

  1. I’m with you, Jessica. My house knows yours…

  2. If I get a hold of those house cleaning fairies, I’ll send them your way Mirka 😉

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